Poverty Alleviation
Our programs are designed to achieve one objective

Daystar Programs
Many people in South West Sydney exist hand to mouth. Our work continues to bring us into contact with families who live on one meal a day, who put their electricity bill before a visit to the dentist, who depend on donated clothing, are unable to provide basic advantages such as School books or save for a rainy day. For these people, every day is a rainy day and the stress of maintaining a functional life can lead to mental health issues that limit the ability to provide and thrive.
Our programs are designed to serve two objectives:
Prevent community members from falling into disadvantage Incentivise community members to rise out of disadvantage
Daystar channels resources into programs that respond to the most prevalent cause of poverty in South Western Sydney :
Work and Skills training
Intervention, Rehabilitation, Mentorship Breakfast, Literacy and Mentorship at School
Language & Literacy:
Giving non English speaking arrivals the communication skills to settle in Australia. EwE: A rapid, full immersion English speaking and writing program for migrants and refugees, conducted over 12 weeks and 36 sessions.
Food Relief:
Giving those impacted by economic distress access to emergency food packages, cost price food and free School breakfasts.
Breakfast club:
Providing tens of thousands of free breakfasts to Primary Schools across Western Sydney
Food care:
A weekly grocery shop providing access to cost priced food for disadvantaged community members.
Youth Empowerment :
Giving primary school children the encouragement they need to participate more fully in their education and build aspirations for their future.
Mentoring Mates:
Primary School Students and professional people share hand-written letters monthly
Youth Rehabilitation:
Giving troubled youth a pathway to a more positive future.
Drop-in Impact:
Intervention and rehabilitation, steering youth away from activities attracting law enforcement and towards positive prospects.
Empire Leadership:
School partnership program, directing strong personalities to use their leadership for good through team devised projects focused on social good.
Work & Skills Training :
Giving disadvantaged adults the skills to become employable and contribute to society.

Foodcare – A grocery store business model, selling food items at cost prices to disadvantaged community members.Managing suppliers, receiving deliveries, organising storage, stocking shelves, handling transactions.

Star Coffee Bar – Hands on café training. Learning to manage all aspects of a small business: ordering, food preparation, storage, cash management, OH&S, supply and demand.
A 6 week program, skilling hundreds of people.

Shabby to Chic – Furniture restoration skills, learning how to adapt furniture into multiple uses.

Mowtivation – Mowing service for local businesses.

Candles and Cards – Producing small gift items for local businesses and market stalls. Learning how to source ingredients and items within price point and negotiate
Our South Western Sydney programs absorb the vast majority of our donations and a small percentage is used to cover our admin, program and fundraising costs.
Please download our Annual Report and Financial Statements to find out more.
We strive to use donations in the most beneficial way for our South Western Sydney community.
Direct costs of project management in Western Sydney, including salaries, project design and monitoring and evaluation.
Support for all Daystar operations, such as audit fees, personnel, IT, finance and memberships to peak bodies.
All costs related to public, private and government fundraising, including mailing of fundraising materials, and costs related to applying for and reporting on grants.